Bill Kemp
BILL KEMP is a lettering artist, which has been practicing his craft for over 40. The pointed pen is his true love, but also does board edge lettering, too. Engrosser’s Script is a script that has really been his main focus for many years. Bill has studied with such instructors as the late Mr. Dick Jackson, the late Ms. Gwen Weaver, Master Penman Michael Sull, Master Penman Mr. Mike Kesceg, and his mentor Senior Master Penman Mr. William Lilly over the course of his career. The main path of his studies has been with Mr. Lilly for the past 18 years and has completed his Certificate of Merit, in Engrosser’s Script, with Mr. Lilly in November 2015. He is an active member of IAMPETH and has served as the president of IAMPETH from 2012-2013, has been on the facility of many IAMPETH conferences, an active member with Escribiente in Albuquerque, has taught around the country, and mainly teaches at Castle in the Air in Berkeley, California 3 to 4 times a year for the past 18 years (except in 2020 where we all have learned to use Zoom as a teaching vehicle and stay at home to teach). He also runs his small calligraphy business in Albuquerque, New Mexico where his clients keep him busy and where he gets paid to practice.