Jan Pickett
Since childhood, Jan PickeTt’s whole life has been a love affair with all forms of art, especially anything involving brushes and pens. Having originally studied graphics, she works full time as professional calligrapher, lettering artist and illustrator, and enjoys creating exuberantly colourful and fun decorated lettering as well as preparing more serious and formal calligraphic work within the commercial world.
Jan has been teaching calligraphy for 25 years and is a fellow of both the Society of Scribes & Illuminators and of Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society.
A typical week for her is a delightful mix of teaching calligraphy, meeting lots of people, and working to meet deadlines within the commercial world, be they lettering or illustrating. It’s a real pleasure and she feels very lucky to do something so enjoyable.
Jan’s book Decorated Lettering was published in 2016 and is now available in five languages.